Tag Archives: hope


change like
the speed of light
as we forget
in the tune
and rhythm
of the world,
losing all hope
and direction
as the pain
forces us
to misplace
our voices
until a moment
of redirection
when the agony
overthrows us
and we stand
begging for
our gifts
to be returned
while realizing
the pains of change
will desist
once we allow
ourselves to grow
in our newly discovered

Copyright 2024, Renee Seymour, The Shades Between
Photo Credit Renee Seymour


I walk to the window
to take a look outside
I see darkness and despair
deceit and conflict run rampant
Everywhere I look I see
cynicism and hidden suspicions tearing us apart
Life filled with fears and sadness
The blood and ashes mix
and fall like rain from the sky
Never ending
continuous oppression from all around
Why is all hope lost?
Can no one else see what I see?
As I step back from the window in fear
I want to break down and cry
At what the world has become
but as I retreat in my sorrow I realize
I have not been looking through the window
I've been looking in the mirror

Copyright: Renee Seymour, The Shades Between, 2024
Photo Credit: Renee Seymour