Tag Archives: conflict

The Magic Trick

I stared out the window in a daze
there is no love left; I said
'only the putting up with another,
and the fear of leaving one in the cold.
That's no love. That's pity.'

I heard him chuckle behind me
he never did believe a word I said
'Don't tell me how I feel,' he hissed
and his words were lovelessly bitter,
'you have no idea what I feel'

I turned to look at him and still saw the window
'you've mistaken fear for love' I said.
'you don't want to hurt me, so you call it love.
you don't want to lose me and you call that love.'
I shivered, 'I call it fear. Everything is fear.'

I turned again to the window and stared
he was pouring coffee behind me,
and I could hear it gurgle like a drowning child
I wanted to leave - to walk out and never come back
I was tired of the façade and sick of the game

He read my mind as he always had
but eve that is not love - that's familiarity
'Go!' he boomed, and sipped his coffee
I knew would not go - I would stay as always
fear of hurting, and fear of leaving is what kept me here

Romantic love is the distraction in a magic trick
it is the tapping of the cards
while the dealer sneaks the ace
not all illusions can be maintained
for fear the viewer will spot the con

I told him this and he laughed
'I hate it when you're so dramatic.' he mumbled
which was a stupid thing for him to say
since that was what he'd said he loved about me
the completion of the illusion is its end

'What a real neat trick that was' I said to him
and walked out the door

Copyright: Renee Seymour, The Shades Between, 2024


I walk to the window
to take a look outside
I see darkness and despair
deceit and conflict run rampant
Everywhere I look I see
cynicism and hidden suspicions tearing us apart
Life filled with fears and sadness
The blood and ashes mix
and fall like rain from the sky
Never ending
continuous oppression from all around
Why is all hope lost?
Can no one else see what I see?
As I step back from the window in fear
I want to break down and cry
At what the world has become
but as I retreat in my sorrow I realize
I have not been looking through the window
I've been looking in the mirror

Copyright: Renee Seymour, The Shades Between, 2024
Photo Credit: Renee Seymour